The public is invited to attend Sea Isle City’s 2022 Arbor Day Celebration at 12 noon on Friday, April 29, in front of the Welcome Center at 300 JFK Boulevard.
Hosted by Sea Isle City’s Environmental Commission, Garden Club, Historical Society, and Beautification Committee, this annual event is being held to draw attention to the important role trees play in our environment – and to inspire people to plant and nurture trees.
During the celebration, thirty-eight (38) new crepe myrtle trees along JFK Boulevard will be dedicated to the people of Sea Isle City. The gathering will also include a presentation by Cape May County arborist Gary Farrow, Jr, of Tree Effect, Inc., a poetry reading, the distribution of free tree seedlings, and more.
For more information about Sea Isle City’s 2022 Arbor Day Celebration, please phone 609-263-3331.