Photos and story by Grace Galbreath
WILDWOOD – Although rain threatened to cancel the annual Beach Blast soccer tournament, it held off for both Saturday and Sunday, and hundreds of players swarmed the Wildwoods beaches for fierce games of ball.
The two-day affair, which included teams from several different states, offered youth divisions for teams with players ages 7-19, and an adult division for players ages 20 and older. The tournament also offered each player a four-day wristband pass for the amusement park piers.
Kim Carrelli, coach of Upper Moreland Township’s U-13 girls soccer team, has attended the annual Beach Blast tournament for many years. Going into the tournament, Kim and her team were concerned about the rain, so they were ecstatic to have received perfect weather for the long-awaited weekend.
Kim said, “I thought that we were going to be playing in the rain. I really thought so, but I was holding out hope. In true Wildwood fashion, it missed us. My parents are locals – they live down here full time. They tell me all the time: somehow the weather always goes over or under Wildwood. So, Beach Blast being in Wildwood is the perfect location.”

Wildwood’s amusement park piers overlook the tournament fields. Players are given wristbands to take advantage of the pier’s proximity to the tournament.
She added, “I think I have only been in this tournament where it has rained once. So, I kind of kept crossing my fingers. I knew it would be good, and it has been. The fields are in good shape, everything is good, no puddling, nothing. It has been great!”
Despite the lack of rain during the actual days of the tournament, field conditions were affected by the rainy weather earlier in the week. Some fields were moved to avoid large puddles that had formed in the center, while other fields were still used, puddles and all. Logan Township’s U-12 girls’ soccer coach, Sean Powers, felt that the puddles did not affect the morale of the teams. “The kids don’t mind at all. It’s different depending on which way the kids are going, but they are having fun,” said Sean.

Sean Power’s U-12 girls’ team enjoyed the obstacle of a puddle-filled field.
Sean’s team, nicknamed the “Crush”, were very excited to be at the beach. The girls said they were ready to win but were most looking forward to walking the boardwalk and going to the waterpark. Sean said the tournament is one of their favorites. He said, “It’s different! It’s unique because you are on the beach, and everyone gets to spend more time with each other doing different things than soccer.”
Joseph Gaffney, coach of a U-17 boys’ team from eastern PA, echoed Sean’s thoughts about the tournament. Although it was Joseph’s first-time coaching at the tournament, he said he immediately noticed a difference between the Beach Blast tournament and other tournaments his team has participated in.
“I have had most of these guys for five, six, even seven years, and we have done a ton of tournaments. Tournaments in Hershey and tournaments down in Jersey. I think the allure is that we are here, at the beach. They do throw in the park passes and stuff like that. And honestly — five versus five in the sand — I’m kind of jealous I never got to play it! So, I think they are super excited. The experience is one in a million,” said Joseph.

Although it was only Joseph Gaffney and his U-17 boys teams’ first year participating in the tournament, they enjoyed the weekend!
President of Cape Express Soccer Club, Michelle McCarty, explained the large amount of work that goes into planning and hosting a soccer tournament. “We have a tournament director, Mike Granigan. It takes them basically a year to plan. Once we finish this one, we take probably a week or two off and start the second one.” She added that the tournament is special because it gives teams that generally play soccer on grass the opportunity to play on the sand.
“The exciting part I think for everyone is being able to come down to the Jersey Shore on vacation. You get to play on the beach, which most of these kids don’t get to do because they are grass teams. They have the option to go on the rides, go to the beach, go to the waterparks,” said Michelle.
Due to increased demand and following the success of the first tournament weekend, Cape Express and Wildwood will be again collaborating to host a second weekend of fun! Week two of the annual tournament will be held on July 15th and 16th. If you are looking to watch the event — or join in on the fun — more information can be found on Cape Express Soccer Club’s website.