CAPE MAY – Ryan Krill, President of Cape May Brewing Company, is set to appear on “What’s on Tap,” a simulcast program featuring national and local guests that’s hosted by Gary Monterosso, author of the acclaimed Artisan Beers, featured History Channel and BBC radio guest, and one of the nation’s top 100 beverage personalities, according to Chilled magazine.
The segment will air on May 30 at 1pm on both WSNJ 1240 and online at, via iTunes and Android with all shows archived at On Comcast channel 20 in Cumberland County, the show will run on May 30 at 1pm, on May 31 at 8pm and on June 2 at 8pm.
“We were honored to have Ryan appear on our show,” says Monterosso. “We sampled some of the fine offerings originating from a brewery I consider to be a remarkable success story. Although much of our time was spent in discussing the growth of the brewery, we also posed questions relating to Ryan’s role as president of the Garden State Craft Brewers Guild. We fully expect to do a future episode of ‘What’s On Tap’ from the brewery, probably this summer.”
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