POSTPONED: Pinch the GrYnch 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk


WILDWOOD – An all-points bulletin will be in effect throughout Wildwood Dec. 17 as members of the Wildwood Police Department search for the master of merry mischief, the Grinch.

Police will be running the Grinch out of town as part of the fifth annual Pinch the GrYnch 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk. The event will take off in front of the Wildwoods Convention Center Sunday, Dec. 17 at 10 a.m., rain or shine.

“We received a bulletin from Whoville saying the Grinch and his dog, Max, are headed in this direction and will be in town Dec. 17,” said Wildwood Police Chief Robert Regalbuto. “Our officers will be on high alert to pinch him and send him packing.” According to the chief, the Grinch has a rap sheet that includes impersonating Santa Claus, breaking and entering Who homes, purloining playthings and stealing roast beasts.

“These are tough times economically,” said Regalbuto. “It’s difficult for some families to put food on their tables, let alone toys under the tree.” To help ease the burden for those families, John Lynch and his army of helpers along with Wildwood police officers hope to make the holiday a Grinch-less one for local children.

Registration costs $30 per person, or $15 with the donation of a new, unwrapped toy. On-site registration begins at 9 a.m. the day of the race inside the Wildwoods Convention Center.

Participants are encouraged to dress in festive holiday outfits. The race route will run south on the Wildwoods Boardwalk to Cresse Avenue, make a turn around and head north to 21st Street. Another turn will lead runners back to the Convention Center where refreshments will be served and prizes awarded.

For more information, call (609) 849-8887 or visit to register.