Recognizing the life saving work of a local animal welfare organization, the Jersey Shore Pops is proud to donate 50 tickets to its upcoming “Celebration” concert to Cape-Atlantic C.A.T.S. All proceeds from the tickets will go to supporting C.A.T.S.’ invaluable services to our feline friends.
“If you have the home and the heart to make a furry little addition to your life, Cape-Atlantic C.A.T.S. will have perfect match for you.” Whether you prefer a kitten around the house or can furnish a rural home for a neutered feral cat, C.A.T.S. can satisfy you needs.
“CELEBRATION”, starring Pops Music Director Linda Gentille, Concertmistress Susan Elsayed, and local vocal favorite Jacklyn Buckingham, is an uplifting variety show featuring music from Broadway and the Classics, as well as Spiritual favorites.
Showtime is Friday, July 30 at 7:00 PM at the inspirational Ocean City Tabernacle, 550 Wesley Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226.
All tickets are $37 or $30 for a group rate and may be purchased by contacting Cape-Atlantic C.A.T.S. at (609) 399-4CAT or (609) 425-0058 or purchase at store: “Mew to You” Retail Shoppe, 959 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226.