by Collin Hall
It isn’t often that Wildwood freezes completely over. Here at the Herald, we all took a work-at-home snow day Monday, Jan. 3rd to avoid the frigid cold and to avoid potentially dying on the brutal roads… I used part of the day to build a snowman out of oversized Lego parts.
I supposed he was built out of snow, but you catch the drift. If you did anything really fun, cute, exciting, or otherwise interesting during last week’s crazy snow, send them to us at for a chance to be featured!
Pictured: Morey’s Piers covered in snow from the Jan. 3 snowstorm. Photo by Shay Roddy.

Pictured: The Wildwood Crest boardwalk entrance with a flurry of snow. Photo by Collin Hall

Pictured: A Lego snowman on Jan. 3, 2022 in Wildwood Crest.

Pictured: A brave soul endures the snow in Wildwood Crest during Jan. 3, 2022’s snow storm.

Pictured: Collin Hall (your friendly editor) and Julian Diantonio made a snowman after work on Jan. 3, 2022.