1. Travel the Ocean Responsibly
Boating, Kayaking, Stand-Up Paddle Boarding, among other recreational activities are fun ways to enjoy the ocean, but being irresponsible can affect the marine habitat that you are enjoying. Never throw your trash overboard; besides polluting the ocean, you could also be killing wildlife. Also, be aware of the products you are using to clean your equipment. Harmful chemicals have negative effects on the ocean.
2. Reduce Use of Plastic
A large amount of waste in the ocean is made up of plastic. Although it may break down into smaller pieces, it never goes away. Sea animals often mistake plastic for food causing suffocation or starvation. Always try to recycle and reuse.
3. Reduce Chemical Use in Home and Garden Products
Chemicals used in Pesticides and house hold cleaners will eventually make their way to the Ocean, even if not right away. These harmful chemicals can make sea animals sick. Be mindful about the cleaners you are using and look up environmentally and child friendly options.
4. Be Considerate of Marine life
You wouldn’t misbehave in a stranger’s home, so why would you in the ocean? Do not remove the animals from their habitat and be aware of your surroundings when swimming and walking on the beach. Never feed animals and be aware of harassment laws regarding them.
5. Help Take Care of your Beach
There are many organizations that do monthly beach sweeps. On April 25th, Clean Ocean Action is sponsoring one at the Nature Center in Cape May at 9am. There are also beach clean ups on the same date in Wildwood and Sea Isle City, refer to the Herald’s Calendar of Events for more details.