ERMA – The Aerodrome, a performance space at the county airport, will be hosting an open jam for anyone who plays an instrument Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.
The space includes a stage, P.A. system, lights and an audience area. The jam night is an opportunity for musicians to get together and play, and for folks who may have a guitar, keyboard or saxophone in a closet they haven’t played in years.
The evening is open to all ages and the genre will most likely be classic rock. Drums are provided. Guitar, bass and keyboard players should bring an amplifier, and vocalists may bring their favorite microphone.
The Aerodrome is located in the county airport at 251 Ranger Road in a section of new units. Enter at Hornet Road at the airport sign, pass the brewery to a circle, travel three-quarters around the circle and bear right. A $10 donation includes refreshments.
Call (323) 793-2153 for information, and visit Aerodrome on Facebook.