Breathtaking New Artwork Collection by Josef Kote On Display at Ocean Galleries     

Alone with the Sea, Copyright Josef Kote 2020

Ocean Galleries is honored to welcome back prolific artist Josef Kote for the fourth consecutive summer. Bringing with him, a brand new collection of artwork inspired by the beautiful Jersey Shore.

The Josef Kote exhibit, “Geneses,” will be on display at Ocean Galleries, located at 9618 Third Avenue in Stone Harbor, on Friday, August 7 through Sunday, August 9, 2020, with all artwork available

for acquisition. Guests will have the opportunity to meet Josef Kote at receptions taking place on Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8 from 7 pm. to 10 p.m., and on Sunday, August 9 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Growing up, Josef Kote knew his destiny was to be an artist and used that knowledge as a driving force to propel his career forward into the future. Winning many painting competitions and graduating from a prestigious fine arts school, Kote began to discover his own inventive technique and style, a combination of classical training and modern-day attitudes.

Kote is best known for implementing both a brush and palette knife in his artwork, allowing for a range of different textures, creating something expressive and impressionistic. He uses both of these tools to achieve pulsating color, generating movement throughout each and every one of his canvases. Not to be forgotten are the areas he leaves monochromatic invoking a moment of simplicity and stillness to the viewer. As a result of this perfectly harmonious combination, Kote manages to provide a deep, rich, and prolific body of work.

Josef Kote’s dedication to his daily practice, working long hours, and gathering inspiration from nature and the things around him, he will often create sketches en plain air in order to quickly capture the current spark in imagination. ”A good subject matter for me is anything that haunts my mind and lingers from themoment I see it. When something stays with me despite the distractions of ordinary life, I know that it is powerful.”

Kote continuously challenges the limits of painting and fuels “the need to push the boundaries of [his] previous work, explore new areas, and experiment with colors and concepts by looking beyond the ordinary paths. It’s really about taking a risk while painting so that [he] can create something that [he] hadn’t fathomed before.”

Fulfilling his restless spirit, Kote’s life has taken him all around the world. Each time his location shifts, so too does his style, utilizing the inspiration provided by each one of those places. His new collection, “Geneses,” was painted specifically with the 7-mile island in mind after visiting the past four years. He was able to capture the beautiful waters and beaches here in town. “We are so pleased and very honored that Josef would create a collection of artwork exclusively for our summer exhibition! The paintings illuminate the amazing beauty of our island perfectly,” said gallery owner Kim Miller.

The new collection titled, “Geneses,” is explained by Josef, “How else to describe these past few months other than surreal? It feels like a new beginning for all humanity, as we have to change the way we live and work. During this period of complexity and isolation, art has offered hope and inspiration, whether we realize it or not. I used this moment to create works that have brought out the feeling of calmness; something we all need during these times to get us through. And what better way to do that than a water theme? The ocean is the place where I usually go for soul restoration and to find a sense of calm and clarity.”

The “Josef Kote – Geneses” exhibition opens at Ocean Galleries in Stone Harbor on Friday, August 7 and runs through Sunday, August 9. Josef Kote will appear at gallery receptions from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The free exhibition is open daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., with all artwork available for acquisition.